While modern decor has its place in the home - especially if your abode tends to adhere to sleek, modern-looking lines, there's nothing quite like the rustic charm retro-style hanging lamps and vintage lighting fixtures can create inside and outside the house.
Outdoor wall lights in glass with vintage bronze finish or farmhouse island lights with a purposefully-applied retro-looking ''rust'' immediately convey a comforting ''lived-in'' look that reminds so many of us of what it feels like to dwell in a loving home. These types of lights can also be evocative of summers spent by a lake cabin, tending horses in a barn or perhaps an idealistic bucolic way of life we might aspire to.
Destination Lighting has no shortage of vintage ceiling lighting fixtures and retro-looking lamps to garnish your home or apartment with. Even if you live in a big city, you can still illuminate your surroundings with vintage lights. By installing a simple ]https://www.destinationlighting.com/products/vintage-retro-style?Category=MiniPendantLights#productList retro style mini-pendant light] with an antique forged iron bulb cage, you'll instantly transform the ambiance of a living room or hallway, imbuing any given space with a sense of old-fashioned style.
For those who worry that mixing retro hanging lamps and vintage ceiling lighting fixtures with more contemporary furnishings (maybe you love ultra-modern sofas, for example) will mess up your feng shui, rest easy. The right combination or retro and new - including vintage light fixtures - is in vogue with many interior designers.
Whether adding subtle retro style to accent your modern furniture, or perhaps installing vintage ceiling lighting fixtures to boldly call attention to or contrast with an avant-garde space, vintage light fixtures can fit into a wide variety of spaces.