Step Lights

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Step Lights

We have all taken a bad fall at one time or another. Fortunately, for most of us, that has resulted in injured pride rather than a severe physical injury.

But falls on stairs can really hurt. In fact, falls down stairs seriously injure more than a million Americans every year, according to the American Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Avoid the Fall

With a little preparation, you can help prevent painful trips and falls for friends, family members and visitors as well as costly trips to the emergency room. One effective way of boosting safety, of course, is to help people see where they're going in the dark. Outdoor and indoor lights for stairs are a bright idea for providing protection.

At Destination Lighting, we carry a wide selection of outdoor and indoor step and walkway lights. While this walkway and staircase lighting will help protect people and even pets from slips and falls, it will also beautify your property. Because many steps and walkways lead up to the front doors of homes and businesses, attractive lighting for stairways and walkways will also make a good first impression on guests and passers-by.

Beautify Your Stairs and Protect Your Friends, Family and Guests

Rather than considering walkway and step lights a chore, look at them as a way to creatively improve the looks of your home or business. Proper walkway and stair lighting will also demonstrate to everyone you care about their safety.

There are lots of ways to provide an exciting look outside with these lights. We carry a wide variety of outdoor step lights for concrete and other materials, so you have plenty of options.

Choose from in-step lighting as well as surface-mounted lights. We offer many finishes, sizes and styles so you can find exactly the right lights to suit your taste and design theme.